Vivien Elizabeth Armour

Vivien Elizabeth Armour is a multidisciplinary artist from Trinidad & Tobago. Having grown up around the world, Vivien explores the relationships between culture, tradition, ethnic hybridity, bodily autonomy and sexuality. Vivien is a graduate of Emily Carr University of Art and Design in Vancouver, Canada, with a BFA major in Visual Art and minor in Social Practice & Community Engagement and received Honorable Mention for the Landon Mackenzie Graduation Award for Visual Arts. Vivien is an awardee of the 2020 CATAPULT Lockdown Virtual Salon Grant.
Vivien Elizabeth Armour – Lock Down Virtual Salon < >

“My interests lie in dualities; in belonging and not belonging, in the relationship between self and society, in the complex relationship between our anima and animus. My work explores these notions and I grapple with ideas of culture, sexuality, indigeneity, and claiming space, through my subjects, scale, and colour that demands attention. While investigating how our shared and individual histories and cultural contexts weave together our identities, I invite the viewer to engage their senses playfully, through a multidisciplinary approach to how I create and exhibit, allowing their presence to enter into conversation with the work.”