1982: Pocong Cocoon, 2022

Miguel Keerveld

Pocong (pronounced as potjong) is a corpse wrapped in cotton. This Javanese tradition is used as a metaphor and refers to the cocoon of the Morpho or blue butterfly. Just as dreams of butterflies can mean change, the artwork especially symbolizes transformation.
This offering table is installed as a gesture for dialogue from a place of humility. It is also in reverence for the lost lives of prominent citizens. For this reason, the artists Kurt Nahar and Miguel Keerveld concentrated on a tombstone, intended as shelter for victims of the violence that took place in Suriname during night of December 7 to 8, 1982. The installation is an attempt to inspire the Surinamese community, through the viewer in particular, to unite. During moments of reflection, the artists resolve to bring the artwork into creation as a criticism based on love and respect. The intention is therefore, to emphasize the Surinamese resilience.

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